Award Winning
Voice Lessons & Vocal Coaching in Northern Virginia
Vocal/Performance Coaching
Victor's Former Vocal/Piano Student performs "Despacito" with Luis Fonsi as a duet
Victor's Former Vocal Student Lands role on BROADWAY
Victor's Former Vocal and Piano Student is featured on The New Season of American Idol
Victor's Student Performing on NBC
Picture yourself on stage for a moment. The house lights go down, and the stage lights come up. The spotlight shines directly on you. You grab the mic. The audience hushes, anxiously awaiting your first song.
Now, imagine what it would be like to have absolutely no thought or concern about “what your voice sounds like” or “what it will sound like” at that moment. Your voice is there — always there — always on pitch — and singing is truly effortless for you.
How much more of a connection could you establish with your fans if you never had to think about your voice? How much more freedom would you have to truly perform — to truly connect with your audience?
Victor's students and clients have performed on NBC, Jimmy Kimmel Live, NBC's The Voice , American Idol, MTV, The Shakespeare Theater, The X Factor, The Michael J Fox Show, The Today Show, Fox 5, Off-Broadway, Broadway, Netflix, Nickelodeon and have also produced singles, feature films, music videos, full albums and have been featured in syndicated comercials. Visit Here for Victor's full biography.
FUN FACT: Did you know that Victor 's younger sister is also in the Entertainment Industry as a Global Celebrity Stylist? Their combined contacts and years of experience in the entertainment industry have made them a dynamic brother/sister duo! Check out Michele Lopez's website to see!
Victor will customize his coaching sessions based on each clients' needs and goals. Generally, he may address the following and much more:
How to Sing without Strain or Fatigue
How to Increase Your Vocal Range by a Full Octave
Proper Diaphragm and Breath Control
How to Build Endurance and Strengthen Your Vocal Cords
How to Sing with Twice the Vocal Power
Learn to Create Dynamics and Flexibility in your Voice
Learn the Perfect Warm-up
How to Perfect Any Singing Style and Develop Your Unique Sound
How to create a great concert set
How to blend your head and chest voice
Touring Support
Singing while moving
Audition Preparation
Ear Training & Pitch Accuracy
Microphone Techniques
Vocal Projection
How to deliver an Emotional Song
Studio Recoring Techniques
Comercial Singing Techniques
Vocal Endurance & Health
Performing without fear
Conquering Stage Fright